Spring Activity of Roof Rats

While roof rats are active year-round, they tend to be more active in the spring and fall compared to other seasons. Here’s why:


  • Mating season: Spring is a peak breeding season for roof rats. Increased activity is associated with finding mates and establishing nesting sites.
  • Food availability: As temperatures rise and spring unfolds, natural food sources like fruits, nuts, and insects become more abundant, attracting foraging rats.
  • Warmer weather: Roof rats prefer warmer temperatures and may become more active outdoors and explore new areas as the weather becomes more pleasant.

However, it’s important to note that:

  • Their activity levels are relative to other seasons, meaning they are still active throughout the year, just not as much as in spring and fall.
  • Local climates and specific weather conditions can also influence their activity patterns. For example, in milder climates, their activity may not fluctuate as much throughout the year.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind:

  • Roof rats are nocturnal, so you’re more likely to hear them scurrying around at night.
  • They are excellent climbers and can easily access attics, roofs, and other high areas.
  • They can be a nuisance and cause damage to property by gnawing on wires, insulation, and other materials.

If you suspect you have a roof rat problem, it’s important to contact a professional rat and rodent control company to have them removed safely and effectively.