At the first sign of a rodent in your home, it’s common to panic and worry, not only about getting the creatures out, but also about cleaning up the mess they have made. The first step is always to call a Dallas rodent control expert to take care of the animals themselves. But after this step, there are a number of ways you can tackle the mess that rodents left behind, with the right precautions. Below are some tips to clean up after your unwanted guests are gone.

Deal With Urine and Droppings

The first thing you need to do after a round of rodent control is to tackle the most obvious and hazardous remnant of the infestation- urine and droppings. Before doing so, make sure you wear safety gloves to protect yourself. Create a bleach solution, with about 1 part bleach to 10 parts water, and spray it on the area with the mess. You can then pick up the droppings and wipe up the urine, placing them into an individual garbage bag, and throw the bag away immediately. Once you remove your gloves, wash your hands thoroughly.

Disinfect the Area

Once you have removed the urine and droppings, you want to tackle the invisible remnants like bacteria and viruses. You can use your same bleach solution to wash the surfaces where rodents were, or carpets can be steam cleaned. You should also wash any linens or towels with hot water and detergent. If there is something that can’t be cleaned, it may need to be disposed of and replaced to ensure it is not contaminated.

Rodent-Proof Your Home

After cleaning up the evidence of your infestation, you’ll want to take any steps possible to make sure you don’t need to call in the Dallas rodent control experts again in the future. TO prevent future damage and contamination, you can bring in a rodent-proofing professional to identify and seal off various entry points in your home. Understanding how to discourage rodents from coming into your house can also be helpful, and experts understand how to do this.

Whether you suspect an infestation or need to prevent a future occurrence, Omega Animal Removal is the fastest-growing rodent control firm in the Dallas area. Our removal specialists are highly trained in the behavior of rodents, their removal, and their biology. With an initial consultation, we can develop a plan to remove or prevent rodents from your home immediately, saving you time and pain.